segunda-feira, 9 de junho de 2014

Mistakes that may hinder or even prevent weight loss!

When we talk about weight loss, extremes are never welcome. Eating too much or too less, and being sedentary or addicted to fitness can hinder weight loss. The important thing is to correct mistakes, find the middle ground and accept that a healthy weight loss happens gradually. Learn the most common mistakes:

1) Very strict diets: Diets that restrict essential nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins or fats are difficult to keep, do not work on long term and are harmful to health, since meals are no longer balanced. For this reason, most doctors prefer to recommend schemes in which people eat little ammounts of everything. 
Read more: 10 foods that accelerate fat burning.

2) Skipping meals: Doctors warn: skipping meals does not reduce weight, can cause malnutrition and disrupts the diet. A person who fails to make a meal will end the day hunry, anxious and stressed and thus will be more likely to eat in larger quantities and faster at night, when the body is programmed to store and not spend energy. According to experts, even those who are in search of the ideal weight should eat small portions three to five times a day.

3) Draw impossible goals to be achieved: lose many pounds in a short time is difficult to achieve and, even more, to maintain for longer periods. Consequently, people who try to achieve impossible goals may be disappointed and give up. The ideal is to eliminate half to 1 kg per week - no more than that.

4) Being obsessed with scales: Getting on the scale very often cause anxiety and discouragement in those who want to lose weight. A healthy weight loss is gradual and slow. Moreover, a person who is following a diet and doing exercise can lose fat without lowering the weight - what happens when fat gives place to lean mass.

5) Exagerated physical activities: Who has always been sedentary or out of shape should start practicing physical activity gradually. Regular walks are the most suitable mode for beginners. Hard sports requires much of the body, can cause damage and may be dangerous to obese patients, who often have cardiovascular problems.

6) Bad sleeping: Many and many studies have been showing the relationship between sleepless nights and overweight. Researchs show that lack of sleep makes a person eat more calories and reduces the body's ability to burn them.
Read more at: Women who sleep in light rooms are more prone to overweight, Beauty sleep.

7) Losing weight without professional help: Doctors, nutritionists and fitness trainers are those suitable for counseling patients about nutritional education and exercises practice. Who dispenses professionals are at risk to follow wrong diets, damage health and still suffer injuries from improper exercises.

8) Relax and forget the right routine after losing weight: Healthy eating and physical activity should be followed for life, regardless of weight. Therefore, people should not get used to gain 1 or 2 pounds, even after 20 were lost.
Read more at: Compulsive eating.

Cosmetric Dermatology

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